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Max is always around

Max is always around 

When I was about 14 my best friend had a sleep over birthday party

Being the silly little girls we were we decided to make a ouija board to use, not really knowing any of the rules like making it say goodbye

After an hour or so I wandered off to read some tarot cards and watch the rest of the Exorcist with the other couple of girls who didn't want to commune with spirits

(Rereading that last sentence I sound like such a stereotype

I still use tarot cards though so I never grew out of this phase it seems.)

Here's were it got weird

After I left the spirit talking to my friends changed

As in it switched to a different spirit altogether

His name was Max and he was looking for me

I've never known a Max in my life

My friends yelled out what he was saying as it moved and I was writing off as them teasing me until he started giving them information about me that no one at that party knew

Things about minor abuse I was facing and other little things

That freaked me out right out

I begged for them to stop playing, even after Max tried to convince me that he was not trying to hurt me

My friends were awesome and stopped playing before I started crying and I thought that was the end of it

The next time a Ouija board came out was the next year and only one girl from the original party was among the group

We were baking a cake so when the buzzer went off she and I headed up to take it out of the oven

When we got back to the group another girl turned to me and asked Who's Max?' Apparently he's stuck around after that first time

If my friends want to use a Ouija board they don't invite me over unless they want to speak to Max

He's always around

A few times in my life I've heard a voice call out my name

it usually makes me stop for a minute, no more but at least twice had I not stopped I would have been in the path of a car going to fast to stop before it would have hit me

I strongly believe Max has stuck around to be helpful but had we not pulled out that Ouija board I would have never known about him

June 24, 2987 

My GF told me this story about an experience she had with a ouija board while in high school sometime in 1986

She had a friend named Johnny who was suffering from CF or some other debilitating illness, who had recently been hospitalized as a result

Both she and her friend Shelly visited Johnny regularly in the hopes of keeping his spirits up and for a quick recovery

One night after visiting Johnny, they were at Shelly's when they decided to try out a ouija board

After a while, they started communicating with a spirit who seemed to know a lot about them that it really shouldn't

After some banal questions about boys and general questions one would expect teenaged girls to ask, my GF decided to ask about Johnny and his condition

The board quickly spelled out "24 June 1987 Johnny wont have to worry anymore" and went to "goodbye"

My GF and Shelly were so convinced that board was giving them a date for recovery that they actually wrote the message down and sealed it in an envelope

The following year on 24 June, it turned out that Johnny indeed no longer needed to worry about his condition

This is n ot a game anymore 

Perfect story

100% true

About 15 years ago, My sister had some friends over one night

They were in the basement watching some scary movie

They had an Ouija board

They started cussing at it and calling it "shit" and "fucking fake"

It stopped responding so they began watching the movie again

All of a sudden, all the lights and electricity goes out

They start screaming

Then the tv comes on all static and is blairing noisse

They were yelling and crying

Then, the tv shuts off and comes back on to just a black screen

The words, " This is not a game anymore" roll across the screen in all white

After, the tv shuts off and and they are in complete darkness

They run out of the house

Afterwards, they go back to the house and our dog hid and when they found it, all it did was bark and look very angry at them


Strange markings 

My brother built a ouija board once and had some pretty weird encounters

Ill have to ask him for the details some time

Anyways he shaved down his pointer thing once and found weird markings on it that only showed up under a black light

No markings found in the wood the pointer was cut from, and markers would show up as black under the black light while this showed red

Anyone else experience this? 

I need proo- 

Only did it once when I was like 17

In a roomful of people and one kid said something like "this is all fake, i need pr." before he finished the word "proof" the lights in the entire house went off

If that was a coincidence, it was the oddest one i've ever seen

No one else was in the house and the fuse box was buried in the back of a closet

The kid's dad had to come home and turn it back on, said it never happened before (entire circuit tripped)

Accurate death prediction 

I was staying at a hotel with friends in northern Ontario for a chess tournament

Geeky I know

Can't exactly remember the town

Anyway, we were looking for some thrills at night and someone busted out a board

One of those official ones you can get from toys'r'us

We asked a few questions I can't remember but I will never forget when we asked if it knew if any of us was going to die

Yeah I know strange question to ask

Uh so it spelled out a persons name that was with us at the time

And then a date which was approximately a year later

My friend died a year later from cancer in his knee

He knew about it 6 months before he died

To this day I am still curious about the device but damned if I'll ever touch it again

We lost 10 hours 

My friend and I were about 14 or 15

She had a Ouija board that we used quite often

(I always thought she was pushing it for the fun factor, I never took it to seriously) One night we started , and it was about 9 p

m we started getting very strange sayings,none of them i can remember 27 years later) and we got a name

although the name i have forgotten over the years, it said he was from Malaysia

He was here to protect us

(i do remember that much) The next thing we know its 7a

m! It was like we blinked and the sun was up

It was VERY freaky

we LOST 10 HOURS of our life

Neither of us remember anything about it

We were just sitting there at the table staring at each other like "WTF HAPPENED??" To bad we didn't have a 3rd person there to tell us

She would never use it again, I did, but i never had that happen again

Woodchipper accident 

My great aunt has never married, and when I asked why, my dad told me the story

Apparently when she was sixteen she had a pretty serious boyfriend

When she used a board, she asked if they would get married, and it said no

She asked if they would break up


asked if one of them would die and it said yes, and when she asked which of them it said 'goodbye'

A week later he was in a woodchipper accident at the mill where he worked

I can see you through the window 

I was about 12 or 13 spending the night at a friend's house, goofing around with the Ouija board with him & his sister and we were getting all sorts of gibberish plus words spelled out, just kind of scaring ourselves for fun not taking it very seriously when we got the message "I can see you through the window" and then "I can see you through his eyes" or something like that

there was just a small window in the basement room where we were, and just the back yard and woods past the driveway visible through that window

we asked it more questions and it said "I'm under the car" so we somehow got up the nerve to go out with a flashlight and peer under the car, where we saw a huge black stray cat which was hissing

We ran inside freaking out and at that exact moment the power failed and all the lights in the house went out

We just about actually shit ourselves

Few minutes later the power came back and we sat up till dawn that night scared and never played with the board again

Our first mistake 

My wife and I had some unexplained things going on in the house we were renting

So we got a board so we could try to figure out what we were dealing with

Bad idea

The board was just a standard plain board

We used it one night to speak with (hopefully) our spirit

What we didn't realize is that Oujia boards open the door for anything to come through and speak

The looking piece flew off the board near the end of our session and we had no real answers to anything we were speaking with something, but it was very evasive with its answers

Things got worse in the house and we eventually broke our lease and moved…Radios and TVs going on by themselves water running, after the board though things got bad

Voices, moving objects, and my wife says I got possessed one night, but I can't validate that as I was asleep
